Advertising Techniques:
- Brand summary - Makes the brand's benefits & specialities clear
- Brief - Clear and to the point
- Rhymes - Sticks in the mind, easy to remember
- Repetition of brand name - Repeating something three times or more helps it to
- become more memorable
- Alliteration - repetition on constanent sounds, similar to rhyming
- Use of second person - Consumer feels spoken to personally and involved in the
- product or identity on offer
- Use of every/always - Indicates the company's unswerving commitment
- Present tense - Universality/timelessness
- Imperatives - Assertive demands designed to sweep the consumer along in agreement
- Use of capitals - For EMPHASIS
- Humour - Consumers are entertained, so tend to be well disposed be well disposed towards the brand
- Use of puns/word play - Gives second layer of meaning to impress the consumer with its smartness and novelty
- Use of rhyming ('shop' and 'drop')
- Imperatives ('You shop')
- Brief
- word play
- Brand summary ('Shopping delivered to your door')
- Repetiton of brand name (on the image of the bags)
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