
Print Advertisements

What makes a good print advertisment? Clear & effective image Memorable - Emotional, informative Slogan/catch phrase/tagline - Entice audience, stick in head Persuasive language Clear language - Straight to the point Appropriate font and colour scheme Clear layout  Name of product Website  Brand identity - Logo, name of brand/company Eye catching


Misleading: Kellogg's (2009) Advertised as cookies - Not cookies Appear healthier than what they really are - 'Wholesome' POM Wonderful LLC(2008) Makes it seem as if the product can help consumers to 'cheat' death Too graphic for young audiences Damart (2005) Content within the envilope did not at all relate to the outside of the letter Unethical - Caused sudden shock/concern and embarrasment for recipients  Ribena 'Tooth Kind' (2000) Was not 'accredited by the British Dental Association' Had false information on the label - 'Tooth Kind' Offensive: Antonio Federici (2010) Sexualisation of religion - Mocked catholisism The ASA stated that the advert mocked roman catholics Nuns cannot have sexual relations, however the nun is pregnant Junkies Ltd - Promotion for student club night (2010) Offensive - Mocking indivuals with dyslexia  British Humanis...

Analysing TV Adverts

Use of The Camera: Extreme close up Close up Long shot Wide shot Medium shot Point of view Low angle High angle Over the shoulder  Conventions of Advert Case Studies: KFC Zinger Crunch Salad Music - Consistant throughout  Text - Subtitles throughout Social Media Links - None Call To Action - Visit resturants  Logo - Clear, bold logo at the end of advert Slogan - "Servin up soul" Targets - Females, mixed ethnicities Department Of Health Music - Dark, gloomy  Text - Clear Social Media Links - None Call To Action -  Contact number and website Logo - Subtle, top right corner  Slogan - "Get unhooked" Targets - Adults, 18+ Beyonce Heat Music - Sexualised  Text - Elegant   Social Media Links -  Call To Action - website  Logo - Large, golden, red hues Slogan -  Targets - Women and men


What are attributes?  They are qualities and characteristics that one would posess. Personal Attributes Examples: Perfectionist creativity Lazy  Persoverence Professional Attributes:  Leadership  Problem solving Detail orientated Teamwork Behavioural: Professional & Personal Attributes Managing your time Public image Personal development Proffessional development Resilience Focus Creativity  Communication skills Leadership skills Design skills  An art director requires the following attributes: Creativity - The role requires unique and artisitic views/ideas Leadership skills - As a director, the role includes overseeing the work of other indivuals Communication skills - Communicating with colluegues is a big part of this role An art director (also reffered to as a 'creative' ) provide both innovative and unique ideas. A rank up from this role is a director, who oversees an entire project and not just the artisit...


Methods:  Magazine ads Video ads Social media (e.g. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) Trailers Film posters Newspaper ads Banners Web pop-ups Billboards - Statinc & Interactive Radio ads  Bus posters/Bus stop poster - Static & Ineractive Train ads/ station posters TV ads Brochures, pamphlets & leaflets  Job Roles in Advertising:


Advertising Techniques: Brand summary - Makes the brand's benefits & specialities clear Brief - Clear and to the point Rhymes - Sticks in the mind, easy to remember Repetition of brand name - Repeating something three times or more helps it to  become more memorable Alliteration - repetition on constanent sounds, similar to rhyming Use of second person - Consumer feels spoken to personally and involved in the  product or identity on offer Use of every/always - Indicates the company's unswerving commitment Present tense - Universality/timelessness Imperatives - Assertive demands designed to sweep the consumer along in agreement Use of capitals - For EMPHASIS Humour - Consumers are entertained, so tend to be well disposed be well disposed towards the brand Use of puns/word play - Gives second layer of meaning to impress the consumer with its smartness and novelty Use of rhyming ( 'shop' and 'drop' ) I...

Group Task: Advertising Agency

Task 1: Come up with a name and logo for your advertising company This is the logo that I created for my groups advertising agency